Issue Position: Simplify Government

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018


Extracting data from the government is like pulling teeth! The standard layout and delivery of data always difficult. There are ALWAYS multiple steps required to clean up data once it's received because it's never delivered in a simple, organized, and user-friendly layout.

That is evil; plain and simple. Government data today is designed to complicated, confusing, and complicated. It's being done so people turn away from their government and evil actors are allowed to persist. We will not allow this any longer!

Very simple documents - like .CSV and PDF - documents will become standards. We will update all documents so that they are in the most basic format. That requires ensuring all PDF's are text-based (not images scanned of text-based) documents. It also requires .CSV files do not contain any multi/split cell structures. The People will also be able to critique each document, if there is an issue with the document, then The Administration Department will be in charge of simplifying the data and notifying all who requested better simplicity of the updated version once it's released.


The Bundy Team visited the Secretary of State Office in Carson City early August, 2018. When discussing the complications of data and platforms, we learned that there were Divisions of Information Technology within various departments (like SoS, DoA, and DoPS).

So if each Department has their own tech team, what's the point of having a tech department?!

Audit each department under the supervision of the Governor and remove all unnecessary divisions, commissions, boards, jobs, action plans, etc.

Remove duplicate entities. Consolidate divisions within departments to obtain uniform structure, simplicity, and easier transparency.


The current structure of our government websites (starting with is an embarrassing atrocity. It's wordy, cluttered, and navigationally complicated! It's obviously designed to be complicated on purpose and difficult with reason.

This darkness within government information needs to end. It's time The People knows what every member of their government is up to. It's time they access their government officials within the week, every week.

Evaluate and restructure/replace Nevada's websites, accounts, and platforms. Publicize each one with a brief video overview so The People know what their taxes are going towards.

Grant every public official a laptop.

Establish mandatory scheduling automation accounts for every government official so that The People of Nevada can contact their public officials without any 3rd party (secretaries, assistants, emails, and voicemail) to slow down communication and degrade quality of establishing a meeting with any and all government official.

The Bundy Team is hard at work developing the Governor's Action Plan. Our mission is to bring more progress to Nevada than the best 3 in our history combined! All donors who contribute the donation maximum of $10,000 will be sent commentators access to the entire list to collaborate, enjoy, and research. We look forward to discussing difficult issues with the bright allies.
